Welcome to St. George’s Lutheran Church in Toronto!
410 College St. (Bathurst & College)
All are welcome!
We invite you to our Sunday services
every Sunday at 11am!
We look forward to seeing you!
Please visit our YouTube channel here and find out about our online worship services.
Image Credit: Lexie Corbett
We have been sharing the love of God with people in our community and surrounding communities for over 70 years. St. George’s is a German–English speaking Lutheran congregation with German roots.
Our focus is to offer German and English speaking congregational life in downtown Toronto.
We would like to give Germans living in the GTA (either temporarily or permanently) an opportunity to access German church services and experience community, support and friendship within our congregation.
Since Covid, we have moved from one English and one German service to one bilingual service every Sunday. This has brought our church family closer together. To be inclusive of all people in our community, sermons are in German or English. If the sermon is preached in German, we provide an English translation. It is important to enable all family members, neighbours and guests to access the Christian faith in our church and congregation.
Upcoming events are highlighted on our website and we welcome you to visit us and get a glimpse into our congregational life.
Please note:
- Holy Communion is held on the last Sunday of the month.
- All are welcome for coffee and cake after every service.
- Our Senior’s group (Georgenkreis) meets every second Tuesday of the month from 11am to 1:30 pm (conducted in German).
St. George’s Lutheran Church
410 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 18S
(416) 921 2687
Instagram: @st_george_lutheran_toronto
Pastor Katharina Moeller
(905) 277 2631
Land Acknowledgement:
We are thankful for the land on which we live and worship.
It is the ancestral home of many nations, including the Wendat,
the Anishanaabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and the Mississaugas of the Credit for thousands of years.
This area remains home to many diverse indigenous communities.
We commit to live and learn together on this land so we can build a just
and healthy future with one another and all Creation.